AGRIRESEARCH UNGUKA Ltd Cultivates Climate Smart Agriculture knowledge for AEE Rwanda.
Feb. 7, 2024, 2:34 p.m.
Climate change is a major challenge for
agriculture and food security in Rwanda and beyond. To cope with its impacts
and contribute to its mitigation, farmers and agribusinesses need to adopt
climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices that can increase productivity,
resilience, and sustainability.
Recognizing the need to enhance its project
staff's capacity in climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices, AEE Rwanda, a
non-governmental organization dedicated to uplifting rural communities through
holistic development, partnered with AGRIRESEARCH UNGUKA Ltd. - a recognized
leader in CSA implementation in Rwanda. This collaboration aimed to equip
project staff with the knowledge and skills required to effectively support
rural communities in adopting sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.
The training, which took place on January 9th and 10th, 2024, was part of the "Catalyzing Market
Prospects for Horticulture Smallholder Farmers, Small and Medium Enterprises in
Rwanda" project, funded by the European Union and implemented by AEE
Rwanda. The project aims to enhance the competitiveness and market access of 30,000 horticulture smallholder farmers and SMEs in Rwanda, by promoting
commercialization and value addition for agricultural commodities.
Figure 1: AEE, Rwanda project staffs are taking notes During
Training at AGRIRESEARSCH UNGUKA Ltd office
What did the participants learn?
The training covered various aspects of CSA and its principles, Vermicomposting
and its applications, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with a focus on pest and
disease control in key crops: chilli, eggplant, cucumber, French beans,
tomatoes, pineapple, sweet pepper, and onions, which are among the target
commodities of the project.
The training went beyond the classroom, incorporating a field visit to
AGRIRESEARCH UNGUKA Ltd's climate-smart agriculture model farm. Here, participants
witnessed firsthand the practical implementation of CSA practices,
vermicomposting & its applications and pest and diseases observation for
horticultural crops.
Figure 2: Learning possible climate smart agriculture practice
at AGRIRESEARCH UNGUKA Ltd Climate Smart Agriculture model farm.
What did the participants say?
The participants expressed their appreciation and satisfaction with the
training, which they found to be relevant, practical, and informative. They
also shared their feedback and suggestions for improvement, such as having more
time for field visits, more interactive sessions, and more follow-up support.
Simeon Uwiringiye, Project Manager at AEE Rwanda, expressed his gratitude to
AGRIRESEARCH UNGUKA Ltd at the closing ceremony. He commended the training for
providing valuable skills and knowledge in sustainable agriculture, which AEE
Rwanda staff will utilize in their future endeavors to empower Rwandan farmers
and SMEs.
At the end of the training, AGRIRESEARCH UNGUKA Ltd awarded certificates of completion.
Figure 3: : General Secretary of AGRIRESAERCH UNGUKA Ltd is
Awarding a Certificate of completion to Simeon UWIRINGIYE, A project Manager at
What is next?
training was a success, but it was only the beginning of a long-term
collaboration between AGRIRESEARCH UNGUKA Ltd and AEE Rwanda. The two
organizations will continue to work together to scale up and disseminate CSA
practices among horticulture smallholder farmers and SMEs in Rwanda, through
the project and beyond. Together, we hope to contribute to the vision of a
climate-smart, resilient, and prosperous agricultural sector in Rwanda.
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