Farmers are facing low productivity challenges and the main root
causes are climate change, lagging adoption and application of good agricultural
practices and dependence on rain fed agriculture.
To overcome these challenges, AGRIRESEARCH UNGUKA provides agricultural
extension and advisory services that encompass training on proven techniques
to increase food productivity and profitability, information delivery on improved crop varieties,
soil quality, cropping practices, livestock production and mitigation of climate change impact on farming system
such as severe weather events, especially drought and heavy rainfall.
- Agricultural consultancy or technical assistance to farmers, cooperatives and companies
- Training farmers, cooperative and agricultural companies to do modern farming
- Supporting farmers to prepare and develop agricultural winning projects

Demonstration and farmer field school plot installations
Thanks to TWIGIRE MUHINZI Program, we grouped farmers to
teach and show them good agricultural practices to shift from subsistence towards
sustainable food production. Since 2019, 28 demonstration and 5 farmer field school
plots have been installed in Musanze and Nyabihu districts, and more than 2134 farmers and 14
cooperatives have learned directly from the plots and others via social media platforms.
Furthermore, during the follow up on the above activities, we showed and advised them on
how to precisely use agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and pesticides to increase
farm productivity and profitability while protecting the environment.
At the end these activities, we increased crop productivity as summarized below: Maize:1.5T/ha to 4.6T/ha, Wheat:1.8T/ha to 3.65T/ha, Beans:1.5T/ha to 3.75T/ha, Potato:8.01T/ha to 15T/ha.

Partneship with Kilimo Trust
Thanks to our past extension and advisory services to local farmers, in 2022, we signed
a memorandum of understanding with Kilimo Trust; an international non-governmental organization
in delivering our extension services under the implementation of a 5 years project on promoting
the adoption of regenerative agricultural practices and post-harvest handling technologies for
vegetables produced in Rubavu district.
This project has a special focus on interventions that
create jobs for 2,000 smallholder producers of healthy, sustainable, and nutritious (HSN) foods.
The project activities are including but not limited to Establishment of demonstration sites to
demonstrate tested and proven models of regenerative and resilient production practices for
vegetables (with emphasis on Cabbage, Onion, Carrots & Beetroots) and compost making sites from
vegetables waste and other organic materials to increase vegetable productivity using sustainable
food production practices.